Life Student life at Franklin SchoolStudent life at Franklin School is centered on community. Students enjoy opportunities to experience and explore the real world.Learn more about student life at Franklin School from the links below: Why Choose to Study in Vancouver Homestay Arrangement Sports and ActivitiesEXPLORE MORE Life in Vancouver ACCESSIBILITY POLICY & PLANThe purpose of this policy is to remove barriers and increase inclusion and independence for everyon…Field Trip to UBCFIELD TRIP TO UBC…HEALTH & SAFETYCommunicable Diseases Policy Revision: January 4, 2022 Rationale During the Covid-19 Pandemic and in… Load More
ACCESSIBILITY POLICY & PLANThe purpose of this policy is to remove barriers and increase inclusion and independence for everyon…
HEALTH & SAFETYCommunicable Diseases Policy Revision: January 4, 2022 Rationale During the Covid-19 Pandemic and in…